Register and Log In a User
On you can register for free. After submitting the registration form, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your registration.
After completing the registration, you can log in to the app by clicking the Log In button (top right).
Changing Your Password
For changing your password click on “Reset Password” in the login dialog.Multiple Verse Accounts
An account for your verses is created automatically with your user registration. Language, account name, review preferences etc. are stored in your account’s settings. As a user you can add additional accounts, e.g. for your children or for memorizing verses in a second language. For most users, one account will be sufficient. You cannot transfer verses between accounts. For organizing your verses, use labels.
In order to add a new account, click on the
triangle in the header of the menu on the left, and select “Create new account” from the menu.Import Accounts from Previous Versions
After creating a new user account (identified by your email address), you can attach verse accounts from previous Remember Me versions. Click on the
triangle in the header of the menu on the left, and select “Add existing account” from the menu. Enter name and password of the legacy account and tap on “Log in”. You can use the attached account just like any other Remember Me 6 verse account.Synchronising Multiple Devices
Devices with offline capability sport a
round arrow icon next to the current account’s name in the navigation drawer on the left. If the icon is not visible (e.g. in a web browser), verses are stored online only. Verses and study progress are synchronised automatically. Tap the round arrow icon to load data newly edited on a different device. If you need to force your device to retrieve and send all data, press long on the icon.Synchronization Button
one arrow as a circle: Possible changes on other devices. Tap to retrieve them.two arrows as a circle: Local changes on this device. Tap to send them.
exclamation mark in the circle: Synchronisation failed. Tap to try again.
Editing and Deleting Verse Accounts
In order to edit or delete the currently selected account, select “Account” from the main navigation on the left. Tap on the top left button (waste bin for three months and can be restored from there.
disk symbol) in order to save the account after editing it. Tapping on the wastebin icon in the top right corner deletes the account. A deleted account is stored in theEditing and Deleting User Access
If you want to edit or delete your user registration, switch to account navigation (
triangle in the header of the menu on the left) and select “User”. For editing your email address, enter the new address and the current password and tap on “Save”. For deleting your user access to altogether, all verse accounts need to be deleted first. Then, enter the current password and tap on the user dialog’s wastebin icon.Attention
- Deleting your access to cannot be undone. All your data will be removed from all databases immediately and permanently.
- A user and all the associated user data will be deleted from the system after 360 days of inactivity (no login). You will receive notifications every 120 days.